Dawn Wright
Common Councillor
Coleman Street Ward
Working towards a Safe, Secure & Vibrant City for All
“When individuals and businesses feel safe and secure there are no limits to what can be achieved. We must work towards a Safe, Secure & Vibrant City for All.”
– Dawn Wright, Common Councillor – City of London
Cyber and physical crime pose ever greater threats in the world today. To keep the City’s pre-eminence on the global stage we need to be at the forefront of stopping criminal advances in both digital and physical crime.
Having worked in senior positions in Telecommunications and IT (including the role of Regional Director of EMEA for AT&T), Dawn has been able to bring her global perspective on business to her position as a Common Councillor & Chair of Digital Services. Using her hard-won skills and experience, Dawn believes that she can make a real contribution to ensuring the successful future of the City and Coleman Street in particular.
What are Dawn’s main aims and priorities?
- Ensuring a safe and secure physical environment for all, both in the workplace and on the streets of the City.
- Continuing to work closely with the City of London Police to help businesses and individuals protect themselves against Cyber Crime.
- Making “Destination City” a true reality by providing and promoting more leisure and cultural facilities that appeal to as wide an audience as possible.
- Encouraging the City’s ongoing involvement in education, especially in STEM, to ensure that young people coming into the jobs marketplace have the skills that companies need.
- Working to improve air quality in the City.
Proven Experience – Dawn Wright is already striving for a better future for the City.
Dawn believes that she can make a real contribution to ensuring the future success of the City and Coleman Street in particular.
Since 2019, Dawn has given her unswerving service as a Common Councillor to defend and promote the City by working on and, where shown below, chairing the following committees:
- Chair of Digital Services Committee – Oversight of all IT & Digital Services for the City of London Corporation & City of London Police
- Chair of Fraud & Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service Procurement Committee
- Court of Common Council
- Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee
- City of London Police Authority Board
- Economic and Cyber Crime Committee of the City of London Police Authority Board
- Resource, Risk and Estates (Police) Committee
- Climate Action Group
The way we all work is changing at an unprecedented rate and the City, as well as schools and colleges, need to keep up with that rate of change. Dawn is fully committed to the City, 24/7.
Who is Dawn?
Dawn graduated in Chemistry from Queen Mary University of London, and thereafter held senior positions in telecommunications and IT companies, culminating in the co-founding and sale of a successful IT business. Dawn is passionate about the City of London’s heritage whilst wanting to ensure its future. Telecommunications, IT and cyber-security, are areas where Dawn has in-depth experience and knowledge.
Outside of her work as a Common Councillor for the City of London, Dawn also sits on the Main Board of the Harris Federation, which runs over 50 academy schools in and around London. Also, in her role as Chair of Governors for the Harris Academy in Bermondsey, Dawn believes it is vital that educational establishments listen to businesses in order to understand what skill sets our children will need in the future.
Dawn is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, where she chaired the Equality Committee. Having stepped back from the business world, Dawn now has the time, the energy and enthusiasm to devote herself to continue the needs of Coleman Street.
Dawn joined the main board of the Harris Federation in 2019 and has been a tremendous asset with her no-nonsense approach and attention to detail. Her passion for education and equality is evident for all to see. I am convinced she will continue to add true value in her role of Common Councillor for Coleman Street, as she has always done at the Harris Federation.
Sir Dan Moynihan – CEO Harris Federation
Please do get in touch
Dawn works hard to communicate with, and listen to, the concerns and views of both individuals and businesses in her ward. Understanding the issues that affect organisations and people in a ward, and representing those views within the City of London Corporation is vital. Dawn believes the way this can be achieved is through open and honest communication, to ensure as full engagement as possible.
If you would like to talk to Dawn about what she does and can do for the Coleman Street then please send your contact details to dawnwright.city@outlook.com and Dawn will be happy to arrange a time to speak to you